Urspring offers a 3-year tertiary grammar school model (Aufbaugymnasium). As with vocational grammar schools, any Class 10 pupil can apply (if they have the intermediate level qualification 'Realschulabschluss' or 'Gymnasium mit Oberstufenberechtigung', or a corresponding qualification from an interdenominational school). Unlike a vocational grammar school, however, pupils do not need to decide on a particular vocational orientation – a decision that is often difficult for many 15-/16-year-olds.
- For students with a secondary school leaving certificate (Realschulabschluss / Mittlere Reife) applies the following: grade point average in German, Mathematics and English at least grade 3 (“satisfactory” / grade C). None of these subjects may be graded less than 4 (“passing” / grade D).
- For pupils attending a general education grammar school (Allgemeinbildendes Gymnasium), the end-of-year report at the end of Class 10 serves simultaneously as the "entry ticket" for the tertiary grammar school.
- Waldorf school pupils and pupils from abroad can attend the tertiary grammar school if they pass an entrance examination.
In view of the possible differences in school pathways, in Class 11 the initial emphasis is on gradually harmonising the basis for the learning. Individual offers of support in Mathematics and English and in the second foreign language ensure that method-based, content-based and subject-specific fundamentals can be consolidated and supplemented. School-specific elements can be taken into account (e.g. apprenticeship, basketball).