In Class 5, we admit children, when there is no binding primary school referral, who are confident of performing well at grammar school level.
Pupils who want to join Urspring at middle school level come from lower secondary schools, intermediate secondary schools, grammar schools and foreign schools, and from other private schools.
Pupils who have passed their Class 10 finals at the intermediate level are able to achieve their Abitur in three years in our tertiary grammar school. After a preparatory year, they attend Classes 11 and 12 together with other Urspring pupils.
Young people who were previously at a lower or intermediate secondary school which is not state-approved can be admitted from Class 7 upwards to the class which corresponds to their level of attainment, following an entrance examination in the core subjects.
Our upper school pupils come to Urspring from grammar schools and from foreign and Waldorf (Steiner) schools, using the admissions process of the State of Baden-Württemberg where appropriate.
Anyone who is interested in applying to Urspring and would like to find out more about us will first be given a guided tour of the school by one of the girls or boys following a brief conversation with members of the management team at Urspring School. We don't have any "professional guides". Anyone who is available at the time shows our visitors around and tells them about their experience at Urspring. Should it be more convenient for you, initial meetings can be organized online. Please let us know, so we can make arrangements accordingly.
We take plenty of time for discussions after the guided tour. We also ask prospective pupils and their families to prepare for these discussions. This is an opportunity to discuss any outstanding issues in detail and for questions to be answered. Generally, the decision regarding whether a child should or should not attend a particular boarding school is extremely important for everyone involved. Anyone attending Urspring has to be here by their own choice. The final decision is taken by the girl or boy themselves after a three-day trial visit to the school and/or the boarding school.